INDI Protocol

As stated elsewhere, the INDI commmunication protocol is XML over TCP. Most of the info here is summarized from the INDI Protocol. You can see the full DTD there. I'm not going to cover ALL messages here, specifically around handling of BLOBs. For that, please see the above documentation.

Because INDI at its heart is just XML over TCP, you don't actually NEED to use the C++ indi library to write your own driver or client, but libindi does handle a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Custom Types

Here are some custom types used by the INDI Protocol.


Name XML Value C++ Value Notes
Idle Idle IPS_IDLE  
Ok Ok IPS_OK  
Busy Busy IPS_BUSY  
Alert Alert IPS_ALERT  


Name XML Value C++ Value Notes
Off Off ISS_OFF  
On On ISS_ON  


Name XML Value C++ Value Notes
OneOfMany OneOfMany ISR_1OFMANY  
AtMostOne AtMostOne ISR_ATMOST1  
AnyOfMany AnyOfMany ISR_NOFMANY  


Name XML Value C++ Value Notes
ro ro IP_RO only the driver can update the value of this property, a client cannot update it
wo wo IP_WO the driver will not update the value of this property, only a client can update it
rw rw IP_RW either a client or the driver can update the value of this property


Name XML Value C++ Value Notes
Never Never B_NEVER  
Also Also B_ALSO  
Only Only B_ONLY  

XML Commands

Device -> Client

These XML messages are sent from the device to clients (which may be other devices). C++ functions that send these have the prefix ID.


When sent from a device to a client (in this case it will be another device) this tells INDI that we want to "snoop" on the given device for updates to its properties.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
version Y  
device Y  
name N  

When sent from a device, you must at least specify the target device, and it is recommended that you specify the property you want to snoop on as well.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSnoopDevice.

Example XML:

<getProperties version="1.7" device="Telescope Simulator" name="EQUATORIAL_COORD" />


A device sends this message to define a new text vector property.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
device Y name of the device
name Y name of the property
label N friendly name of the property
group N property group membership (tab in the UI)
state Y current state of the property (one of propertyState values)
perm Y property permissions (one of the propertyPerm values)
timeout N delay before the client assumes an update went wrong
timestamp N moment the data was valid
message N commentary to send

And contains one or more defText elements, which have the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
name Y name of the value
label N friendly name of the value

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDDefText, but it is recommended to use the defineProperty method that wraps it.

Example XML:

<defTextVector device="CCD Simulator" name="CCD_CFA" label="Bayer Info"
    group="Image Info" state="Idle" perm="rw" timeout="60">
    <defText name="CFA_OFFSET_X" label="X Offset" />
    <defText name="CFA_OFFSET_Y" label="Y Offset" />
    <defText name="CFA_TYPE" label="Filter" />


A device sends this message to define a new number vector property.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
device Y name of the device
name Y name of the property
label N friendly name of the property
group N property group membership (tab in the UI)
state Y current state of the property (one of propertyState values)
perm Y property permissions (one of the propertyPerm values)
timeout N delay before the client assumes an update went wrong
timestamp N moment the data was valid
message N commentary to send

And contains one or more defNumber elements, which have the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
name Y name of the value
label N friendly name of the value
format Y printf style format; must be suitable for a double value
min Y minimum value
max Y maximum value
step Y increment value; ignored if 0

The values for format can be any C printf specifier that is valid for a double. See printf for more info. In addition to the normal double formats, INDI also supports formatting a number as sexagesimal format, using the %m specifier. You can use this specifier like so: %[w].[f]m where:

  • [w] is the total field width
  • [f] is the width of the fraction
    • valid values for f are
      • 9 -> ""
      • 8 -> ":mm:ss.s"
      • 6 -> ":mm:ss"
      • 5 -> ":mm.m"
      • 3 -> ":mm"

So, if you want to get a formatted number like "-123:45" use "%7.3m" or " 0:01:02" use "%9.6m".

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDDefNumber, but it is recommended to use the defineProperty method that wraps it.

Example XML:

<defNumberVector device="Telescope Simulator" name="TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_NS"
    label="Guide N/S" group="Guider" state="Idle" perm="rw" timeout="60">
    <defNumber name="TIMED_GUIDE_N" label="North (ms)" format="%.f" min="0" max="60000" step="100" />
    <defNumber name="TIMED_GUIDE_S" label="South (ms)" format="%.f" min="0" max="60000" step="100" />


A device sends this message to define a new switch vector property.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
device Y name of the device
name Y name of the property
label N friendly name of the property
group N property group membership (tab in the UI)
state Y current state of the property (one of propertyState values)
perm Y property permissions (one of the propertyPerm values)
rule Y UI hint (one of the switchRule values)
timeout N delay before the client assumes an update went wrong
timestamp N moment the data was valid
message N commentary to send

And contains one or more defSwitch elements, which have the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
name Y name of the value
label N friendly name of the value

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDDefSwitch, but it is recommended to use the defineProperty method that wraps it.

Example XML:

<defSwitchVector device="Telescope Simulator" name="TELESCOPE_PARK"
    label="Parking" group="Main" state="Idle" perm="rw" timeout="60" rule="OneOfMany">
    <defSwitch name="PARK" label="Park(ed)" />
    <defSwitch name="UNPARK" label="UnPark(ed)" />


A device sends this message to define a new light vector property.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
device Y name of the device
name Y name of the property
label N friendly name of the property
group N property group membership (tab in the UI)
state Y current state of the property (one of propertyState values)
timestamp N moment the data was valid
message N commentary to send

And contains one or more defLight elements, which have the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
name Y name of the value
label N friendly name of the value

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDDefLight, but it is recommended to use the defineProperty method that wraps it.

Example XML:

<defLightVector device="Weather Simulator" name="WEATHER_STATUS"
    label="Status" group="Main" state="Idle">
    <defLight name="WEATHER_FORECAST" label="Weather" />
    <defLight name="WEATHER_TEMPERATURE" label="Temperature (C)" />


A device sends this message to define a new BLOB vector property.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
device Y name of the device
name Y name of the property
label N friendly name of the property
group N property group membership (tab in the UI)
state Y current state of the property (one of propertyState values)
perm Y property permissions (one of the propertyPerm values)
timeout N delay before the client assumes an update went wrong
timestamp N moment the data was valid
message N commentary to send

And contains one or more defBLOB elements, which have the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
name Y name of the value
label N friendly name of the value

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDDefBLOB, but it is recommended to use the defineProperty method that wraps it.

Example XML:

<defBLOBVector device="CCD Simulator" name="CCD1"
    label="Image Data" group="Main" state="Idle" perm="ro" timeout="60">
    <defBLOB name="CCD1" label="Image" />


A device sends this message to inform clients about an update to an existing text vector property.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSetText.


A device sends this message to inform clients about an update to an existing number vector property.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSetNumber.


A device sends this message to inform clients about an update to an existing switch vector property.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSetSwitch.


A device sends this message to inform clients about an update to an existing light vector property.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSetLight.


A device sends this message to inform clients about an update to an existing BLOB vector property.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSetBLOB.


A device sends this message to send a logging message to clients.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDMessage.


A device sends this message to inform clients that a property has been deleted.

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDDelete, but it is recommended to use the deleteProperty method that wraps it.

Client -> Device

These XML messages are sent from the device to clients (which may be other devices).


When sent from a client to a device this tells the device to send define all of the current properties on the device.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
version Y  
device N  
name N  

The client does NOT need to specify the device, but if it specifies the property name, it must also specify the device.

The C++ method on a driver that handles this message is ISGetProperties.

Example XML:

<getProperties version="1.7" device="" name="" />


This message can be sent AFTER sending a getProperties message to enable or disable transfer of BLOBs. BLOBs are properties that can be quite large, typically full FITS files, so if you want to snoop on them, you have to explicitly enable it.

This message has the following attributes:

Name Required Notes
device Y  
name N  

The C++ function that sends this message in libindi is IDSnoopBLOBs.


A client sends this message to inform a device about a request to change the value of a text vector property.

The C++ method on a driver that handles this message is ISNewText.


A client sends this message to inform a device about a request to change the value of a number vector property.

The C++ method on a driver that handles this message is ISNewNumber.


A client sends this message to inform a device about a request to change the value of a switch vector property.

The C++ method on a driver that handles this message is ISNewSwitch.


A client sends this message to inform a device about a request to change the value of a BLOB vector property.

The C++ method on a driver that handles this message is ISNewBLOB.