Coming from ASCOM development

Jumping into INDI development when coming from ASCOM development can be a steep learning curve, especially if you don't have much C++ experience.

I've found that going from Visual Studio to QTCreator can be difficult, so this tutorial will use VSCode instead of QTCreator.

But one thing to remember is that you can use ANY IDE you are comfortable with, or none at all, just using command line tools.

I'm going to start with a few assumptions to kick us off.

  • OS: Ubuntu Focal
  • IDE: VSCode

You can do development on other operating systems, but it is definitely easiest to get started in Linux, specifically in Ubuntu. Focal is the latest LTS (long term support) version of Ubuntu and is well supported.

I'm NOT going to go through the process for installing Ubuntu. There are many guides on doing just that on the internet already.

Once you have Ubuntu installed, we need to add some general utilities to develop C++ projects.

From the terminal, install these:

sudo apt install \
    build-essential \
    software-properties-common \

Jasem Mutlaq keeps a PPA project repo up-to-date with the latest builds of INDI and all the drivers, so let's add that to our Ubuntu installation:

This adds the stable releases:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa

If you want to use nightly builds instead to get the latest and greatest (and least stable), use this instead:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mutlaqja/indinightly

And then install the dev indi libraries we need to do INDI driver development. This will install the shared libraries and header files we need to build our own drivers.

sudo apt install libindi-dev libnova-dev libz-dev libgsl-dev

Creating a New Driver

INDI development is split across three main repositories:

The first is the main repo for core indi drivers, base classes, indiserver, etc. The second is used for drivers that require 3rd party libraries in order to work. Most cameras will be in this repo, because they usually require linking to separate libraries outside of INDI. The third is where development of KStars is done.

This tutorial will focus only on INDI driver development.

I recommend creating your own repo, separate from either INDI or INDI 3rd Party, to do your initial driver development. Once you get your driver working well, outside of these other repos, then you can request help from the community to get it integrated into one of the INDI repos.

Follow the Project Setup Guide to get your project repo set up.

For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm assuming you are using the indi_mycustomdriver example. All commands from this point on assume you are located in the root folder of that driver (the folder with the, config.h.cmake, etc files).

Some things to keep in mind coming from ASCOM:

CMakeLists.txt / .sln,.csproj

CMake is kinda like the command line msbuild (not really, it's more like just a part of msbuild). CMake will be used to build our project, but it also does more. It configures our project as well. What does that mean? Well, when doing C++ development, we need to know where to find any libraries we want to link against, and their header files. CMake gives us a pretty standardized way of finding them. It also lets us define some variables that can be replaced in files (things like version numbers), which will happen when we configure our project.

The CMakeLists.txt file is much like your .sln and .csproj files in .Net development. The difference is that you don't have a GUI to configure them, so you need a little more understanding of what's going on.

The first line defines the name of the project, and the languages we are using.

project(indi-mycustomdriver C CXX)

And we tell cmake to setup linux standard folders. This will set some variables we can use in our CMakeLists.txt file later.


C++ development in linux doesn't have a Global Assembly Cache where all .Net libraries are registered, so we need to tell cmake how to find the different libraries we need to link to.

We do this with Find*.cmake files. Examples of these are provided to find libindi and libnova.

To tell cmake about these Find*.cmake files, we need to include them.


Then we tell cmake to find the packages we need:

find_package(INDI REQUIRED)

If this is successful when we "configure" our project, it will set the INDI_LIBRARIES and INDI_INCLUDE_DIR we will need later on.

Next we'll set some variables in cmake to use in our config.h and xml files:


Now we tell cmake to do the replacements in those files:

# do the replacement in the config.h

# do the replacement in the driver's xml file

These commands will create a config.h and indi_mycustomdriver.xml file in the build folder.

We also call include_directories several times to tell cmake where to look for C++ header files.

Now we can tell cmake how to build our executable:


You would list all the .cpp files you need to compile to create your driver, in this case, just the one.

And tell cmake to link our executable to the actual shared libraries it found earlier (this is much like adding a "Reference" in .Net).


Finally, we need to tell cmake where to install our application.

install(TARGETS indi_mycustomdriver RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)

The first line tells cmake to install to DESTINATION bin, which was set by include(GNUInstallDirs). The next install command tells cmake to install our xml file to ${INDI_DATA_DIR} which is set when we call find_package(INDI REQUIRED).

Building from the terminal

Before we setup an IDE to help us, let's just build a driver from the command line to get familiar with what is going on.

First we need to create a separate build folder to operate in.

mkdir build
cd build

Next we need to configure our project. This is only needed when you update CMakeLists.txt.


Here we are telling cmake to generate all the files we need to actually build and install our driver.

Now we can build the driver with:


And install it with:

sudo make install

To use your driver, you'll need to install the driver every time you build it, since indiserver looks for drivers on your PATH.

Now we have built and installed the driver, we need to run it. There are two ways to do this (more really, but two main ways). One is typically used when we are running our driver normally, using it in the field, the other is when developing the driver.

The normal way is to add the driver to your profile in KStars Ekos, and let Ekos start it for you. This is great, but makes things difficult to debug.

The second way is to start it manually, and have KStars Ekos connect to it. This way let's us easily attach debuggers, which we'll get to later.

To start our driver manually, we just need to run indiserver from the terminal and tell it which drivers to start.

Let's start a telescope simulator, ccd simulator, and our custom driver:

indiserver -v indi_simulator_telescope indi_simulator_ccd indi_mycustomdriver

Now we can set up a "Remote" profile and tell KStars Ekos to just connect to our running indiserver. You'll need to set the IP address or hostname of the computer running inderserver in the profile.

Now when you start the profile, you'll see your running drivers.

VS Code

Now that we've built, installed, and run our driver using the command line tools, let's make things easier on ourselves and use an IDE.

First, install VS Code:

Download the Ubuntu deb file from and install with:

sudo dpkg -i code_*.deb

Launch VS Code, and install the following extensions to make our lives easier:

  • ms-vscode.cpptools
  • ms-vscode.cmake-tools
  • twxs.cmake
  • dotjoshjohnson.xml

Once these are installed, we need to open the folder holding our source. You can do this from the terminal by going to the root folder of your source (the folder with the config.h.cmake file) and running:

code .

If you are prompted allow cmake-tools to configure vscode, allow it. If you are prompted to choose a build type, choose "Unspecified" to let cmake figure it out.

You should now have a .vscode folder in your project with a settings.json file. We'll create a couple more files in here to make development and debugging easier.

First, tasks.json:

    // See
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "build-cmake",
            "type": "shell",
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/build"
            "command": "cmake --build .",
            "problemMatcher": [
            "label": "kill",
            "type": "shell",
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/build"
            "command": "killall indiserver",
            "problemMatcher": []
            "label": "Build and Kill",
            "dependsOn": [

Next, launch.json:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "(gdb) Launch",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "/usr/bin/indiserver",
            "args": [
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "environment": [
                    "name": "PATH",
                    "value": "${workspaceFolder}/build:${env:PATH}"
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
                    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                    "ignoreFailures": true
                    "description": "Follow exec for gdb",
                    "text": "-gdb-set follow-fork-mode child",
                    "ignoreFailures": true
            "preLaunchTask": "Build and Kill"

The launch.json is the most important, and will be used to launch the debugger for us. The most important part here is the (gdb) Launch config. Here we launch indiserver and specify the arguments we pass to it. In this case, we are basically running the same command we ran earlier on the terminal. If you want to debug a different driver, you'll need to update the list of args. It is important to set the driver you want to debug FIRST in the list.

Now that we are configured, we should be able to just press F5 and start debugging.

You can set breakpoints now!

Driver Communication

In INDI, all communication between clients and drivers is done through XML messages. The benefit is that we can run our drivers separately from the clients, even on different machines. The downside is that we can't just set the value of a property and expect a client to see it. We need to tell the client about the new value.

When a client first connects, it sends an XML message to get all properties from all drivers. This is the appropriately named getProperties message. The base classes for drivers (and the indiserver itself) will handle translating that XML message into a call to a driver's ISGetProperties method. In this method, we would "define" our properties to the client, by calling defineProperty method. This method does more than just send a message to the client, they also register the property with the base class. If you really wanted to handle everything manually, you could just call IDDefText, etc to just send the defineText message to the client, but this is not recommended.

If you have properties that you only want defined once you are connected (or disconnected) you can instead call defineProperty in the updateProperties method. The base class will call this method when the connection state changes.

When a client wants to make a change to a property, it sends a new* message (newText, newLignt, newSwitch, etc.) which will in turn cause the ISNew* methods to be invoked. These can come at any time from the client. It's up to the driver to determine if the new* message is for this device, and if we can handle the property change. We do this by inspecting the dev and name parameters. dev should match our device name, and name should match the property name.

When a driver wants to update a property value and inform the clients about it, it would first update the value directly on the in memory property, then send a set* message to the client. This is done by calling IDSetSwitch, IDSetText, etc.

If a method starts with IS it is meant to be called by the [I]NDI [S]erver and handled by the driver. If it starts with ID it is meant to be called by the [I]NDI [D]river and handled by the server or client.